Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Happy Half Birthday {and a Side of Christmas}

Holy Moley! I cannot believe that it's already December. Like FOR REALS. This year went by so quickly and I can barely wrap my head around the fact that Christmas is like a week away! I remember last December, planning and being excited about having a baby for Christmas 2013 and now that it's here, all expectations have been surpassed. I think that the best part is seeing my kid's face when she experiences things for the first time. She was nothing short of amazed when she saw Christmas lights and then the fact that they went on a tree?! MIND. BLOWN.

I am more than looking forward to her first Christmas and I'm sure I'll take a ridiculous number of pictures. A post-Christmas blog post is definitely in the future complete with photographic proof of how excited {or not} P is to open presents {minus her giant presents that she already got from Papa and Nana and her wonderful, loving, adoring parents}.

Something else I just cannot believe? P.G. is 6 months old!!!!!!! How can it be that she's half way through her first year on Earth? Wasn't I just pregnant? Isn't she still a newborn? It is. Nope. Nope. Each day is still an adventure but I love every minute of it.

In the last month she's learned so much. She can now sit up, she eats food, and she even sleeps in her "big girl bed" {ie: she sleeps in her crib in her nursery}. She's the cutest kid on Earth {obviously} and she is constantly making me laugh, smile, and cry - usually all at the same time. She's also started to practice her crawling by scooting herself around on her tummy. She hasn't quite got the coordination to put her knees up at the same time as her hands, so of course there is a lot of screeching in annoyance/frustration. I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to the day in which she can move around by herself. In fact, that thought is fairly terrifying.

I leave you with pictures from her 6 month photoshoot {nothing fancy} and this message to you, Miss P - I love you more and more every day and if I could, I would put you in a shrink machine and keep you small and deliciously nugget, like forever and ever.

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