Thursday, May 30, 2013

More Maternity Photos

Today I got a CD with all of our maternity photos on it! I was so excited it took me about 10 seconds to rip the envelope open and pop the disc in to my laptop. Below are some of my favorites. Thanks again, Kels!!!


Friday, May 17, 2013

The Countdown

The past few weeks have felt like they are dragging on and on. It's probably because I'm so excited to meet Tater but it could also be because I'm so uncomfortable. Yup, I've reached the stage of non-human existence. I'm still a member of the Mammalia species, but it's safe to say, I'm a whale. Walking is a thing of the past. I now waddle to-and-fro while Brian "quacks" behind me {No, seriously, he actually makes quacking noises when I walk}. And to be honest, even waddling is getting a little rough with the size of my ankles. {Check out the picture below}. I keep reminding myself that soon this will end and my body will once again be mine and I won't even care because I'll have a daughter and it will be AWESOME!

If my feet are this big, how big do you think the rest of me is?

In other news, I went to the doctor today {visits are now weekly} and had the last of my tests done. Today was the Group Strep B test and a cervical check. Let's just say, I wouldn't sign  up for the cervical check any time soon. I mean, comparatively {you know, to like, say, labor} it wasn't too bad, but it wasn't my idea of a good time either. He also did an ultrasound to double check that she's still head down and ready to go. Not only is she head down, she is like WAAAAAY down. While we were ultrasounding he decided to measure her size {weight, length, head size, etc.} Agreeing to have these measurements done was the biggest mistake I've made today. Turns out, our "little" girl isn't so little. In fact, she's off the charts! She's estimated to weight just over 8 pounds and her size is on par with a baby who is 41 weeks, 5 days! I don't know how much bigger she's going to get but technically we still have 3.5 weeks to go. Yeah, terrifying to say the least. Doctor also told me that I shouldn't expect to be pregnant too much longer, but we'll see how that goes.

Hurry up, Tate! We can't wait to meet you!!