Monday, December 31, 2012

Hero of the Year

Alright, so the creator of this product might not be everyone's Hero of the Year, but whoever they are, they are definitely mine. I'm so excited about this product/company that I'm really hesitant to share it with the world; but I figured since only like 3 people read my blog {HI MOM!}, it's OK.

So, you've heard of Rent the Runway? If not, shame on you. It is awesome. It's great for normal sized humans that don't have a tumor like growth sticking out of their middles, but for the preggos like me, it doesn't help. And this is not because they don't have larger sizes; they just don't have a size 2 that's only a size 2 in the waist, arms, bust, legs and a size 100 in the hips and tummy area {read: they don't rent maternity clothes}. And why would they? Don't most pregnant women just live in yoga pants? {yes!} And I really wouldn't care about formal wear except at 8+ months pregnant I will be attending a formal evening wedding and maternity clothes, cute/nice ones, are really expensive and the cold hard truth is, I'm not a celebrity {le sigh}. I also am not on-board with spending a lot for a dress that I will wear one time - this is not my wedding and wedding dresses don't count in this statement.

Enter, Mine for Nine. Simply put, it's Rent the Runway for maternity clothes! But it's not just formal attire {rock on!!!}, it's also suits, jeans, shirts, jackets, coats, etc. I was looking for something pretty specific and was able to find a dress I love in about 2.4 seconds {rock on x 2!!!!} Another fantastic thing is that you can rent for weeks at a time, not just a few days which is nice, especially if you need to rent something like a winter coat.

I can't wait to get some of these clothes so I can stop wearing Brian's sweat pants, yoga pants, and hoodies to work.**

** Disclaimer: I have jeans on today {Ness for the win!}

Friday, December 28, 2012


It finally happened. I felt the baby move! Here I am just sitting at my desk when I started to feel little nervous butterflies and then, SHABAM! Wiggles! It was a fleeing feeling and didn't last more than 15 seconds but it was a gentle reminder. Sometimes I still think I'm making up the entire pregnancy in my head, and then I remember no, I've seen the nugget, I've heard its heartbeat, and this. is. real. I think this might have just confirmed it. Maybe. I can hardly wait to see it again in 2 weeks!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I know I did! In fact, I'm typing this post on my brand new iPad mini that Brian gave me. Yay! This year we spent Christmas is Santa Barbara with my parents. We spent the day opening gifts, eating, visiting family, and walking along the beach with Jake. It was fun to see the family since I haven't seen them since I was only 7 weeks pregnant. It's been a pretty relaxing week and I've loved (almost) every minute of it.

I feel like I'm finally starting to look pregnant which is a nice change since I'm eating like I'm carrying triplets. Check it out!!

We're looking forward to 2013 and can't wait until we can hold our (human) baby in June. Until then we're happy to have the best dog in the World!

15 weeks, 6 days

Merry Christmas!
The Aldrich Family

Monday, December 17, 2012

What Not to Do

Today was at lunch with some co-workers and par usual we chatted about work, life, and the like. A work friend asked me how everything is going so I told him that it's great but that it's sometimes crazy to think I'm actually growing a human. He asked about the sex and I proceeded to tell him about the Mexican wrestling mask/American Horror Story baby. Without missing a beat a female co-worker of mine says, "Gross. Being pregnant is disgusting."

My gut reaction was to come across the table and smack her one for talking about my sweet innocent unborn child. (Mama Bear instincts much?) But all I could muster was, "Thanks. That makes me feel great about myself." to which she responded, "Oh well, ummmm, I didn't mean you." Really? Then you must mean my boss who is also pregnant? Or perhaps the other 2 pregnant women in my office? Or maybe my cousin's wife? Or maybe the stranger you judged on the street?

Do all pregnant women a favor, if you ever feel like this, keep it to yourself. No one wants to or deserves to hear something like that.

All Dressed Up and Somewhere To Go

**As promised, there are pictures in this post.**

This past Friday was my company holiday party. It was prom themed and although I really wanted to go as the pregnant prom queen, I couldn't get my act together fast enough to pull it off. So, I settled for a black cocktail dress that has been hanging in my closet since last year...

To preface the story, I bought this dress for a benefit last year and planned to wear it to the 2011 holiday party but alas, had the flu, and was unable to go. Smart, and sometimes frugal me, decided to save the dress for 2012 because I love it and didn't want to return it. So there it's been, just waiting for 2012 and then... BAM! Taterfied. (I think I just turned our baby in to an adjective).

I was positive at first thinking there is no way I will be so pregnant that the dress doesn't fit. And then came 9 weeks, 10 weeks, 11 weeks...... I felt like I was growing 10 inches everyday. In all fairness I've gained just over 10 pounds so 10 inches may be a tad inaccurate. No matter, I decided to try on the dress when the parents (soon to be g-parents) came to visit over Thanksgiving. Let's just say it was like trying to put a cream puff through a keyhole; a whale in a wet suit  a fat chick in a size 0. OK, so the last one is actually what it was. I was sweating, crying, bloated. It was anything but pretty. I was so upset (I'm a pregnant lady, I get to be irrational) because I love the dress that much and mostly because I didn't want to go shopping for something else. What's a lady to do?!

How about ignore the situation until the week of the party and then stress out because you have nothing to wear? Sounds like a plan! And that's exactly what I did, until one day after work when I decided I had to give the dress a 2nd try; and to my surprise... IT FIT!!! Then I cried again (still pregnant, remember?) because I was so happy that I could wear the dress and didn't have to go shopping.

Below is proof that I cannot wear this dress again until Tater comes but that it currently still fits.

14 weeks, 2 days

I'm not sure if the best part is that the dress fit or that you can't tell I'm pregnant in it when the flowy front part is down....

(Isn't my hubs super handsome?)

Yes, that's right; same night, same dress, same number of weeks pregnant. I was told multiple times that I didn't look pregnant and it was fabulous! Friday, December 14, 2012 will go down in the books as "Ness's Awesome Ego-Boosting Night". 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Squirmy Wormy

I went to the doctor yesterday for the 14-ish week check-up on Tater. There was a little wait so I had a little fun. I'm sure that when he/she sees pictures he/she will judge and wonder, "WHY IS MY MOM SO WEIRD?!" Well, Tate, have no fear, you'll be just as weird, God willing.

So I was hoping to find out the sex of the baby, alas, baby was too wiggly to see and wasn't very cooperative. I guess this means it's mine? Anyway... everything is absolutely perfect. No chromosomal issues, great heart rate (168 - still in girl territory!), and bigger than we thought. We're back to the original dating so as of today I'm 14 weeks, 1 day.

Now, I know we call the baby "Tater" or "Tater Tot" but Brian prefers "Batman" because of our first ultrasound; however, after seeing it yesterday I'm pretty sure it's none of those. This baby currently looks like  it's either A) wearing a Mexican wrestling mask or B) the baby from "American Horror Story". If you don't believe me, check out the picture below. Not even joking, SO creepy.

Front facing

Oddly enough, this baby also looks absolutely normal. NORMAL?! I know, I know, no baby of mine and Brian's should/could be normal, but it's true. Check out the picture below for proof. It's a profile shot and pretty adorable, but I'm biased.

14 weeks 0 days

All in all, we're both great. We'll find out the sex on January 16th and then everyone can finally start buying things! The Aldrich house is on the same page regarding the baby. We just want it to be happy. Yes, we would also love a healthy baby but I read an article by the mom whose daughter was severely handicapped and she brought up a valid point: "Would you not love your child just the same with a handicap as without?". Smart lady, I say. More to come soon and I swear, one day when I decide to put make up, get dressed, and comb my hair all in the same day, I WILL take a photo.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Looking Good!

Today we had a prenatal screening testing for chromosomal abnormalities. It went great! What's even better is that Tater is the perfect size, strong heart beat, and super wiggly!

I can't believe how much we love this baby. It's crazy!!
12 weeks 4 days

Sunday, December 2, 2012

So Emo I Could Wear Skinny Jeans

Alright, so I couldn't actually wear skinny jeans (mostly because they don't fit my body style well but also because they probably wouldn't fit my body if I tried) but I am so emotional it's silly. You hear these stories about what it's going to be like, but today I cried at an episode of "How I Met Your Mother". In all fairness, it also happened last night. Needless to say I would love for these emotions to level out, and being just a few days away from the 2nd trimester, I can hardly wait for a little relief. Also, I know how anxious you all are to see more pictures, and I promise, they are coming soon!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

So Far, So Good

This picture is from 11 weeks (which was last week). Feeling pretty good about little one growing and living. It's weird that I'm finally showing but really I just feel fat at this point. We spilled the beans to the world with this picture:

It took some people a while, but they finally got it. Yay for babies!

In the Beginning

Yup, it's true. We're having a baby! I created this blog to document the bump, the baby, and our growing family. So, family and friends, enjoy!

P.S. This ultrasound photo is from 8/9 weeks so it's a little old... New one coming soon!